Home / BONDS
Non – Perpetual Bonds
Name of Bond YTC / YTM Face Value Interest Rate Maturity Date Call / Put Date Int. Pymt Date(s) Frequency Clean Price Credit Rating ISIN
6.94% NHAI 2037 6.63% Rs.10 Lacs 6.94% 27 Nov 2037 - Nov 27th Annual Rs 103.06 CRISIL AAA, ICRA AAA, CARE AAA INE906B07IG5
7.20% PFC 2035 6.61% Rs.10 Lacs 7.20% 10 Aug 2035 - Aug 10th Annual Rs 105.34 CRISIL AAA, ICRA AAA, CARE AAA INE134E08LA3
6.85% IRFC 2040 6.60% Rs.10 Lacs 6.85% 29 Oct 2040 - Oct 15th Annual Rs 102.65 CRISIL AAA, ICRA AAA, CARE AAA INE053F07CS5
7.50% REC 2030 6.53% Rs.10 Lacs 7.50% 28 Feb 2030 - Feb 28th Annual Rs 106.49 CRISIL AAA, ICRA AAA, CARE AAA INE020B08CP7
Name of Bond YTM Face Value Interest Rate Maturity Date Int. Pymt Date(s) Frequency Clean Price Credit Rating ISIN
8.66% IIFCL 2034 4.24% Rs.1000 8.66% 22 Jan 2034 Jan 22nd Annual Rs.143.54 CRISIL AAA, ICRA AAA, CARE AAA INE787H07347
8.67% PFC 2033 4.22% Rs.1000 8.67% 16 Nov 2033 Nov 16th Annual Rs.143.35 CRISIL AAA, ICRA AAA, CARE AAA INE134E07455
8.76% NHB 2034 4.19% Rs.5000 8.76% 13 Jan 2034 Jan 13th Annual Rs.145.12 CRISIL AAA, ICRA AAA, CARE AAA INE557F07108
Objective of Investment To save tax on capital gains arising from sale of assets like land, property etc. Investment to be done with 6 months of sale
Issuer (s) NHAI | REC Ltd | PFC Capital Gain | Indian Railway Finance Corporation Limited (IRFC)
Interest Rate 5.00% p.a. taxable (w.e.f. August 1st, 2020)
Frequency of payment Annual
Tenure 5 years
Min. Investment Amount Rs.10,000 for NHAI & REC; Rs.20,000 for PFC and IRFC 
Max. Investment Amount Rs.50 Lacs
TDS No TDS on interest payable to Resident Investors
Open / Close Dates Issue open; Closes on March 31st, 2021
Delivery of Bonds Client's demat a/c if application is being processed by NJ PSC. Client needs to mention his demat details on the application form.
Name of Bond Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme 2021-22
Issuer Reserve Bank of India on behalf of the Government of India (GOI)
Type Of Instrument GOI Stock under GS Act, 2006. SGBs will be denominated in grams of gold.
Face Value / Issue Price (Rs.) / bond Price of Bonds shall be fixed in INR on basis of simple average of closing price of gold of 999 purity published by the India Bullion & Jewelers Association Ltd. for the last three working days of week preceding the subscription period. The issue price of the Gold Bonds will be Rs.50 per gram less for those who subscribe online and pay through digital mode.
Minimum Application Minimum permissible investment will be 1 unit (i.e. 1 gram of gold)
Maximun Application The maximum amount subscribed by an entity will not be more than 4,000 grams per person per fiscal year (April-March). A self-declaration to this effect will be obtained.
Denomination 1 gram
Tenure of the SGB 8 years with exit option from 5th year to be exercised on the interest payment dates
Interest Rate 2.50% p.a. payable semi-annually
Frequency of Interest payment Semi – annual
Listing / Trading Bonds will be listed & tradable on exchanges/NDS-OM from a date to be notified by RBI
Mode of Issue Public Issue
Mode of Issuance In Dematerialized Form only
Issuance Calendar
 Sr No. Trance  Period Of Subscription  Date Of Issuance  Issue Price (Rs./gm)
 1  2022-23 Series I June - 20-24 2022 June - 17 - 2022 Rs. 5091
 2 2022-23 Series - III Dec - 19 - 2022 Dec - 23 - 2022 Rs. 5359
 3 2022-23 Series - IV March - 6-10 2023 March - 14 Rs. 5611





Redemption Amount The redemption price shall be fixed in INR based on previous 3 working days simple average of closing price of gold of 999 purity published by IBJA.
Collateral SGBs can be used as collateral for loans. The loan-to-value (LTV) ratio is to be set equal to ordinary gold loans as mandated by the Reserve Bank from time to time
Tax Treatment The interest on Gold Bonds shall be taxable as per the provision of Income Tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961). The capital gains tax arising on redemption of SGB to an individual has been exempted. The indexation benefits will be provided to long term capital gains arising to any person on transfer of bond(s).
Eligible Investors Resident indian entities including Individuals, HUFs, Trusts, Universities and charitable institutions. SGBs are NOT open to NRIs.
Purchase / Investment Investment can be done through NJ E-Wealth a/c only Link: E-Wealth A/c >> Public Offer >> Equity IPO
Payment Mode Netbanking & Auto Debit only
Name of Bond Floating Rate Savings Bonds 2020 (Taxable)
Issuer Reserve Bank of India on behalf of the Government of India
Face Value / Issue Price (Rs.) / bond Rs 1,000
Minimum Application Rs.1,000 and in multiples of Rs.1,000
Maximum Application No maximum limit
Tenure 7 years
Interest Calculation Interest is linked/pegged with the prevailing National Savings Certificate (NSC) rate with a spread of (+) 35 bps over the prevailing NSC rate. First Interest payment is 7.15% (NSC Rate: 6.80% + 0.35% = 7.15%)
Interest Rate 7.15% payable on January 1st, 2021 for first coupon period i.e. July 1st – December 31, 2020.
Frequency of Interest payment Half yearly  - January 1st & July 1st
Listing / Trading Bonds are not transferable. No exit option available in the secondary market.
Mode of Issue On tap
Mode of Issuance Bond Ledger Account with RBI
Tax Treatment Interest is taxable. Tax will be deducted as per prevailing rules of the Income Tax Act, 1961
KYC Documentation 1. Photocopy of PAN Card of all holders (self certified) 3. Address Proof (self certified) 2. Cancelled cheque copy of the 1st holder (self certified)
Eligible Investors Resident Indian Individuals (incl. Minors) & HUFs only
Cheque in the name of HDFC Bank RBI Floating Rate Saving Bond 2020 (Taxable)”
  • The quotes and bonds available are as on : 11th January 2021
  • Kindly note that all the above mentioned quotes are indicative and subject to confirmation of rates / Quantum available / Deal & Value Date(s).
  • Clean Price mentioned above does not include the accrued interest which will be calculated upto the date of settlement and included in the amount payable by the client.
  • YTM / YTC calculation takes into account the clean price and accrued interest.
  • NJII is not liable if the client does not receive interest or principal payments at the defined frequencies and dates. We will followup with the company and registrars on a best effort basis for any customer queries.
  • Please read the bond prospectus before making any decision to invest in bonds / NCDs.