Depository services are provided by financial entity to hold and assists securities such as stocks and bonds in electronic form called dematerlized (Demat) form instead of physical form

The entity holding such huge amount of securities on behalf of their clients is called Depository Participant

“To digitize all your securities investment”

  • No need to hold share certificates in physical form, hold securities in Demat form to protect it from theft, loss, fraud, damage or delay in deliveries
  • Ease of transferring securities by submitting one set of claim papers to DP
  • In the times of T+2 having a Demat account linked to your trading account becomes more convenient

“Every person investing in financial securities”

  • Every person having securities such as shares certificates in physical form should have a Demat account as shares cannot be traded without Demat anymore

“Because We Persevere, Persist and Perform for YOU”

  • MSFL offers full-fledged Depository services
  • Depository Participant registered with both NSDL (National Securities Depository Ltd) and CDSL (Central Depository Services Ltd)
  • The non-trading members also can avail of our Depository services

The Marwadi Merit

  • User-friendly investing and trading experience
  • Rational and timely advice from our research experts
  • Dedicated client support and services
  • MSFL offers best-in-class service and customer focus
  • At your doorstep facility to execute trades
  • nstant SMS alerts
  • Anytime, anywhere access to your information
  • Customized schemes
  • Execution of trades through Speed-e and Ideas